don't I will be fined by the IRS? And even if I do purchase this insurance I will be taxed on it???? What the hell. That to me is the most socialistic thing I have ever seen our great country do.I don't have insurance as I really can't pay for the policy. I pay cash when I need to go to the doctor. I don't have a problem with that. I don't feel like the wealthier people of our country should pay for everyone elses insurance either. Even $400.00 a month I can not pay. Where it stands now I can get it for about that, but the deductible is so high I would never get to use it! To force into law the purchase of insurance is about as unconstitutional as telling me I must believe in and worship God.
Our government seems to have the whole market covered once this insurance bill does pass, and belive me it will pass regardless of what the people want. They have the houseing market, they have the auto industry, they have the credit market, and now they have the insurance market. They have the Real ID Act going into effect real soon so they will know exactly where each of their citizens are. Obama is trying to pass a law that will take the schools away from the states and then they will have our schools, therefore our kids.
With each of these private indusrty markets they bail out and take control over they are taking away our right to live our lives as we see fit! Which is part of why our country is so great. We are supposed to have laws to protect the people and let them live their own lives. This isn't happening. We are slowly losing our lives as our own. We are becoming a sociolist country with little rights left. Instead of building on what our great forefathers built we are burning it down. We are going backwards instead of forwards. Why are we regressing back to the way it was when they founded our country? I'll tell you. Greed and power!! That is all it boils down to. Nothing more, nothing less. Just look around at the worlds past and present socialistic countries. They were/are ran by power hungry people who feel like they are entitled to have it all and everyone should give it to them, not them actually go out and work for it like the rest of us. Let's just hope that this mess can be undone when the next president takes over.
socialism: a political and economic therory of social organization which advocates that the community as a whole should own and control the means of production, distribution, and exchange.Only thing is the "community" is our government!
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