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Friday, October 9, 2009

Correct me if I am wrong. Shouldn't you have to actually accomplish something great in order to recieve the Noble Peace Prize? If so then why has our president recieved this? So far nothing has been accomplished. All that has been accomplished is talk! Talk, talk, and more talk. He has talked till we are all blue in the face and yet nothing has come of it except mudslinging and apologies. How can one man go around and apologise for all of his people and the next be getting the Noble Peace Prize? I am just at a lost for words...... He is still fighting 2 wars out there with great indecision on that part, not knowing which way to turn in that area. Yet, he still got the prize? If the Noble Peace Prize could be rigged then this would be the result of it! Though I highly think that is not happening. But then again this could be just one more stunt to gain favor amoung his people which he has lost over the past few months. Tell me what has this man done in his life to warrent him getting this??

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