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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Homeland Security Gone Too Far

Are you a nervour flyer? Do you have moods? Are you a normal human?
Well if you answer yes to any of these questions then you may come under scrutiny upon boarding a flight. Our Homeland Security is now tyring to implement a way to discover potentionally unruly passengers. They are testing the Wii in this area. They feel that if you are fidigety you may be hostel! I mean come on people. This is just crazy.
They altered the balance board of the game system to measure your weight shifting and are trying to get it to where it will detect your heart rate and breathing. They hope to have this in use by 2011. With the new system in place we will not only have to unpack everything and almost undress, but now we will have to wait in yet another line and be subject to having our moods checked by security.
This is just one more example of our tax dollars wasted. Ever since 9-11 Americans have been scrutinized unfairly. All in the name of "protecting" the American people.
This is just one more way for the government to control the people. I for one am a nervous flyer. So this means that when I go through the "new" security I will be pulled aside and given another, more intense look, and possibly miss my flight. The movie Minorty Report comes to mind when I think of all the government control we are getting now days. I find it hard to believe that we are not already implanted with chips that keep track of us and also read our moods and thoughts. All in the name of protecting us.
Of course with the Real ID Act which was passed last year this is one step closer. When the deadlines for the states to comply with the new law are up, then we will have a universal ID which will give them access to us at ALL times. Just google Real ID Act and you will see.
I hate to feel like democracy is becoming a thing of the past, but with all of the new Anti-Terror laws going into effect it is hard to feel any other way. All the anti-terror laws that have been implemented have accomplished is making us Americans feel unsafe and leary of our own government.

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